Power the Core, strateški plan do 2027. godine

Power the Core, naš strateški plan, temelji se na uspjesima prethodnih strateških planova, kako bi produbio i proširio Coface franšizu, s ambicijom da razvije globalni referentni ekosustav za upravljanje kreditnim rizikom.

Power the Core logo in a city landscape

Razvoj globalnog referentnog ekosustava za upravljanje rizikom

Strategic plan 2024-2027
1- Reach data and technology excellence a- Build differentiating new data and scoring capabilities b- Invest in technology to offer full connectivity to our clients. ;   2- Deepen and broaden our trade credit insurance franchise a- Underwrite with courage and discipline b- Stimulate customer-oriented profitable growth c- Deliver on simplification of the client experience ;  3- Pursue profitable double-digit growth in business information services a- Keep building sales teams with consistency b- Broaden data sourcing and expand use cases  c- Upgrade IT platforms ;  4- Leverage our unique culture a- Enhance attractive employer value proposition  b- Deliver on our CSR commitments
picture showing how Coface wants to develop an ecosystem of reference for credit risk management


Financial targets as explained in the following text

Financijski ciljevi kroz ciklus

  • Neoporezivi kombinirani omjer: ~78%
  • RoATE* (Povrat na prosječni opipljiv kapital): 11%
  • Prema gornjoj granici raspona: 155-175%
  • Omjer isplate: ≥80%
  • Doprinos poslovnih informacija RoATE* za 2027.: 0,5%

*Na trenutnoj razini kamatnih stopa

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